Upcoming Conference/Events

External Affairs

Professor Dr. Md. Masudur Rahman

External Affairs

Sylhet Agricultural University
01 No. Eco Park Road, Tilaghor
Sylhet-3100, Bangladesh
Mobile :+88 01712056240
Email: director.ea@sau.ac.bd

The Office of External Affairs at Sylhet Agricultural University serves as a key liaison between the university and its external stakeholders, promoting collaboration, innovation, and excellence in all of its endeavors. The primary goal of the Office of External Affairs is to establish and maintain positive relationships with these stakeholders to promote the university's interests and advance its mission. This involves coordinating with various departments and faculty members to develop and implement outreach programs, collaborative research projects, and other initiatives that benefit the university and mutual understanding with external partners. Additionally, the Office of External Affairs plays a crucial role in promoting the university's image and reputation both domestically and internationally. Currently, the Director of the Office of External Affairs is Dr. Tilak Chandra Nath, who works under the supervision of the Honorable Vice-Chancellor. The Director works to build and maintain strategic partnerships around the world in order to expand opportunities for national/international study, research, collaboration, and exchange for faculty and students. The Director also works with other leaders of the university to maintain the reputation of SAU both at home and abroad through the use of strategic and effective communication. External Affairs is committed to developing liaisons, and managing the university's relationships with external stakeholders, including government agencies, non-governmental organizations, international organizations, and industry partners. 



Mr. Abdullah Al Farhad Akhand

Assistant Registrar

SAU, Sylhet

+88 01718162441



Administrative Offices



Treasurer Office

Dean Council

Office of the Students Counseling and Guidance

Office of the Public Relation and Publications

Provost Council

Executive Committee of the Faculty of Postgraduate Studies

Proctor Office

Office of the Controller of Examinations

Office of the Engineer

Central Store

Security Section

SAU Acts

Health Care Centre

Central Mosque

Professor Mosleh Uddin Ahmed Chowdhury Veterinary Teaching Hospital

Information and Communication Technology (ICT) Cell

Sexual Harassment Prevention and Protection Cell