Department of Surgery and Theriogenology
Faculty Veterinary, Animal and Biomedical Sciences Surgery and Theriogenology Faculty Members Dr. Mohammed Kawser Hossain
Dr. Mohammed Kawser Hossain
Dept. of Surgery and Theriogenology
I have graduated in Doctor of Veterinary Medicine (DVM) from Bangladesh Agricultural University in 1997(held in 1999) and have got registration as a practitioner in 2000 Bangladesh Veterinary Council. I obtained MS in Obstetrics from department of Surgery and Obstetrics of the same university in 2001. During my MS study, I have got field experience on productive and reproductive management of dairy cows and socio-economics of dairy farmers. Additionally, I have got experience on molecular and cell biology especially on cell culture, PCR, western blot, ELISA and Fluorescence microscopy. During my PhD work, I have gathered experience on identifying constraints of dairy farms, socio-economic conditions of the farmers and noticed possible remedies of identified constraints to improve the social status of the farmers in North-East of Bangladesh. I joined as Lecturer at Sylhet Government Veterinary College in 2001 and my job responsibility was teaching and research in the field of Theriogenology. In 2006, I was appointed as Assistant Professor at department of Medicine and Surgery in Sylhet Agricultural University. I joined at the newly established department named Surgery and Theriogenlogy as founder chairman in 2013. I have promoted as professor of Theriogenology in 2015 and till date exploit my responsibility in teaching, research and extension. I conduct both the theoretical and practical classes of Theriogenology at undergraduate and post-graduate level. I have supervised 4 MS students and 33 DVM intern students and successfully conducted several research projects. My main focus on research is to improvement of fertility of postpartum dairy cows and heifers and genetic up gradation of native cattle by artificial insemination with high quality bull to improve milk and meat production of north-east region of the country.