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Department of Surgery and Theriogenology


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Faculty Veterinary, Animal and Biomedical Sciences Surgery and Theriogenology Faculty Members Dr. Nasrin Sultana Lucky

Dr. Nasrin Sultana Lucky


DVM, MS in Surgery, PhD, Bangladesh Agricultural University, Mymensingh, Bangladesh, PGD in (Computer Science and Engineering)


Dept. of Surgery and Theriogenology


Dr. Nasrin Sultana Lucky was born at Keshabpur upazilla under Jessore district, Khulna of Bangladesh. Her father is Md. Abdul Mannan and mother is Mrs. Hasina Parvin. Her father was a popular teacher . She had her education in her own village and passed Primary school from Manikpole Government Primary School with Scholarship, then at Keshabpur upazilla from where she passed Secondary School Certificate (SSC) from Keshabpur Pilot Girls’ High School, Keshabpur, Jessore being placed in first division with 4 subject letters marks and board scholarship. Afterwards, she passed Higher Secondary Certificate (HSC) from Keshabpur College, Keshabpur, Jessore obtaining first division with 3 subjects letter marks. She obtained Doctor of Veterinary Medicine (DVM) degree from the faculty of Veterinary Science, Bangladesh Agricultural University (BAU), Mymensingh. Following which she completed there Master of Science (MS) in Surgery in June, 2000. She Awarded PhD Degree on Morphometrical and immunohistochemical studies of the oviduct of laying hen at Bangladesh Agricultural University (BAU), Mymensingh with the finance support of University Grant Commission (UGC), Bangladesh. Dr. Lucky started her carrier as Veterinary Surgeon at District Veterinary Hospital, Khulna in May 2000. After that she was appointed as Lecturer in the Department of Medicine and Surgery, Sylhet Agricultural University, Sylhet (former Sylhet Government Veterinary College) in June, 2001. Subsequently, she was appointed as Assistant Professor in the same Department in December, 2003 and Associate Professor in August, 2011 in the Department of Medicine and Surgery, Sylhet Agricultural University, Sylhet. At present Dr. Lucky is serving as Professor from June, 2015 in the Department of Surgery and Theriogenology, Sylhet Agricultural University, Sylhet, Bangladesh. During these periods, she attended a number of Workshops, conference, congress, training courses and scientific seminar and Symposium. She was awarded a number of scholarships and fellowship at different level of education from Board of Primary, Intermediate and Secondary Education, Jessore, Hazi Mohammad Mohshin Scholarship Fund, Zohurul Islam Scholarship Fund, Bangladesh Agricultural University (BAU), Mymensingh, Bangladesh, Ministry of Education, University Grants Commission (UGC), NST; Ministry of National Science of Technology, Bangladesh.