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Department of Agricultural Construction and Environmental Engineering


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Faculty Agricultural Engineering and Technology Agricultural Construction and Environmental Engineering Faculty Members Dr. Tariqul Islam

Dr. Tariqul Islam

Associate Professor

B. Sc. Agril Engg. (BAU); MS in FS (BAU); PhD in Environmental Engineering (China)

(Study Leave)


Dept. of Agricultural Construction and Environmental Engineering


Tariqul Islam is working as an Associate Professor in the department of Agricultural Construction and Environmental Engineering (ACEE), Sylhet Agricultural University (SAU), Sylhet-3100, Bangladesh, from 01 January 2020 to till date. Previously he has Five (01/01/2015-31/12/2019) years working experience as an Assistant Professor and Two (01/01/2013-31/12/2014) years as Lecturer, in the department of Agricultural Construction and Environmental Engineering (ACEE), SAU, Sylhet-3100, Bangladesh. Doctor of Engineering/PhD in (Environmental Engineering) has been achieved from Ocean University of China (OUC), Qingdao, Shandong, China. Session: 2016-19. M. Sc. In Agricultural Construction and Environmental Engineering, Session: 2012-2013 and B. Sc. In Agricultural Engineering, Session: 2007-2011 have been done from Bangladesh Agricultural University, Mymensingh-2202, Bangladesh. PhD research thesis entitled “Investigation on Anionic and/or Cationic Dyes Removal Using Alginate Crosslinked Prunus avium Leaf Mediated Nanoparticles and Rice Husk Mediated Adsorbents”. M. Sc. research thesis entitled “Development of low cost arsenic and iron removal unit for potable water” and B. Sc. Final year project research entitled “Estimation of the demand of water and water losses in Bangladesh Agricultural University (BAU) campus”. Present research interest is in the field of water/wastewater treatment through adsorbents, synthesized by green methods.