Department of Irrigation and Water Management
Faculty Agricultural Engineering and Technology Irrigation and Water Management Faculty Members Dr. Sanjida Parveen Ritu (PRL)
Dr. Sanjida Parveen Ritu (PRL)
B. Sc. in Agricultural Engineering (BAU), MS in Irrigation and Water Management (BAU), PhD in Irrigation and Water Management (BAU)),
Dept. of Irrigation and Water Management
Engineer Sanjida Parveen Ritu completed B.Sc in Agricultural Engineering having a merit position of first class 4th on 1997 and MS in Irrigation and Water Management in 1999 with a letter grade A+ on 1999 from the Faculty of Agricultural Engineering and Technology, Bangladesh Agricultural University, Bangladesh. Sanjida started her career parallelly as a scientific officer at Bangladesh Rice Research Institute in the Water Management division from February 1999 and MS student. She promoted as senior scientific officer and the received a ph.D research scholarship funded by International Rice Research Institute (IRRI) under the project "challenge program of Water and food (CPWF#10)" enrolling in the Department of Irrigation and Water Management, Faculty of Agricultural Engineering and Technology, Bangladesh Agricultural University. Her Ph D was awarded on 2012 after 4 years cropping system research, with saline water, and crop and water modelling with the crop model ORYZA 2000, in coastal area of Bangladesh. Before her PhD research she actively participated in several research activities such as " Development and utilization of coastal water resources for crop production and its impact on the coastal ecosystem of Bangladesh" as a co -investigator a project funded by DFID (2001-2005), "Managing water and land resources for sustainable livelihoods at the interface between fresh and saline water environments in Vietnam and Bangladesh" funded by IRRI (2002-2006), "Productive, profitable, and resilient agriculture and aquaculture systems in three ” cropping system evaluation for the different stress conditions" a project funded by IRRI (2010-2012), "Developing multi-scale adaptation strategies for farming communities in Cambodia, Laos, Bangladesh, India”. The research work is carried out in the southwest coastal region of Bangladesh. And also in Bangladesh Agricultural Research Institute (BARI) to generate more data for APSIM model calibration" funded by ACIAR, Australia (2010-2012). Sanjida received an international consultancy with Food and Agricultural Organization of United Nation (FAO) as a national consultant in the project entitled "Improving Surface Water Irrigation in Coastal Areas and Sylhet Division in Bangladesh (TCP/BGD/3303)" (October 2012-October2013), she worked with FAO taking lien from Bangladesh government. Sanjida took release from her job from BRRI during November 2013 to join in Sylhet Agricultural University, Sylhet-3100, as she was appointed in the position of Associate Professor in the Department of Irrigation and Water Management . Sanjida conducted a research project entitled " Conservation agriculture in the Sylhet district for creating an opportunity of double cropping in the single cropped water scarcity area in dry season" funded by UGC and Sylhet Agricultural University Research System(SAURES) (2015-2016). She promoted as professor in the same Department on November 2017. From December 2013 she was working as the chairman of the Department, besides her teaching and research and continued up to January 2018. She also conducted a world Bank Funded project under NATP Phase-2 "Develop a hydrogeological framework and sustainable crop establishment period for haor areas of Bangladesh” (2017-2018). Professor Sanjida hold the position of Dean of Faculty of Agricultural Engineering and Technology, Sylhet Agricultural University, Sylhet-3100 (December2018-November2020). Besides all administrative and research work Dr. Sanjida teaches student In undergraduate program the courses of Hydraulics, Irrigation and Drainage Engineering, Ground Water Engineering, Meteorology, Hydrology, Flood Control and River Training, Land Reclamation. In the MS program she teaches Surface water Hydrology and Groundwater Development. In her undergraduate course, Dr. Sanjida supervised about 14 (fourteen) students who worked with crop and water, water quality, percolation rate of Sylhet soil, Ground water lithology trend in SAU campus, scenario of water management group in the irrigated haor area of Shunamganj. Professor Sanjida had supervised 5 MS students. At the moment she is guiding three MS students, who received NST scholarships.