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Department of Irrigation and Water Management


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Faculty Agricultural Engineering and Technology Irrigation and Water Management Faculty Members Mr. Md. Suruj Mia

Mr. Md. Suruj Mia

Assistant Professor

PhD in Biological Production Science (GU, Japan), MS in IWM (BAU), BSc in Agril. Engg. (BAU)

(Study Leave)

Research interests: Agricultural Water Management, Artificial Intelligence (AI) in Agriculture, Precision Agriculture, Smart Agriculture, and On-farm Experiment (OFE)


Dept. of Irrigation and Water Management

Publication Profile

  • M. S. Mia and T. Akter, Probability analysis of rainfall and evapotranspiration for crop planning in chandpur district, J. Agricultural Engineering (Engineering Institution of Bangladesh). Vol. 40/AE (1): 65-71, June 2013.
  • M. A. Mojid, M. S. Mia, A. K. Saha and S. S. Tabriz., Growth stage sensitivity of wheat to irrigation water salinity, J. Bangladesh Agril. Univ. 11(1): 147-152, 2013.
  • A. K. Saha, M. J. Rahman, M. S. Mia and A. Singha, Performance evaluation of low-cost materials in removing pollutants from wastewater. J. Sylhet Agril. Univ. 1(1): 123-130, 2014.
  • A. Singha, M. Ahmed, A. K. Saha and M. S. Mia, Installation and performance evaluation of shallow tubewell at a haor area of Netrokona district. J. Sylhet Agril. Univ. 1(1): 107-116, 2014.
  • Khalid Hossen M., A. Singha, M. S. Mia, Numerical Modelling of 2004 Indonesian Tsunami along the coast of Phuket. International Organization of Scientific Research (IOSR) Journals, Vol. 11, Issue %, September- October. 2015.
  • MS Hossen, SS Tabriz and MS Mia, Prospects and Challenges of Stevia Rebaudiana Cultivation in Bangladesh. J. Sylhet Agril. Univ. 7(1&2):66-75, 2020
  • Muhammad Rashed Al Mamun, Md. Janibul Alam Soeb, Md. Suruj Mia, Md. Raisul Islam Rabbi and Md. Nurul Azmir, Design and Development of an Automatic Prototype Smart Irrigation Model. Australian Journal of Engineering and Innovative Technology, 3(6), 119-127, 2021.
  • Mia, M.S.; Tanabe, R.; Habibi, L.N.; Hashimoto, N.; Homma, K.; Maki, M.; Matsui, T.; Tanaka, T.S.T. Multimodal Deep Learning for Rice Yield Prediction Using UAV-Based Multispectral Imagery and Weather Data. Remote Sens. 2023, 15, 2511. https://doi.org/10.3390/rs15102511
  • Mia, Md. S., Habibi, L. N., Matsui, T., & Tanaka, T. S. T. (2024). A Bayesian approach to assessing uncertainty in the effect of fertilization strategies on paddy rice yield via multiple on-farm experiments. Plant Production Science, 1–15. https://doi.org/10.1080/1343943X.2024.2367578