Department of Agricultural Economics and Policy
Faculty Agricultural Economics and Business Studies Agricultural Economics and Policy Faculty Members Mr. Md. Sherf-UL-Alam
Mr. Md. Sherf-UL-Alam
Assistant Professor
B.Sc. Ag. Econ (Hons) M.S. in Agril. Econ.(SAU)
Dept. of Agricultural Economics and Policy
Md. Sherf-Ul-Alam was born in 1991 in Meherpur, Bangladesh. He achieved SSC in 2007 and HSC in 2009 under Jessore board. Later, he enrolled in the Faculty of Agricultural Economics and Business Studies (AEBS) of Sylhet Agricultural University, Bangladesh. From here he picked up a Bachelor of Science in Agricultural Economics in 2014 and subsequently Master of Science in Agricultural Economics (Production Economics) in 2016. During student life, Mr. Alam was involved in numerous social and leadership endeavors. He served as a Joint Convener in “Badhon, a Blood Donating Voluntary Association” and currently working as an advisor of it. In supplement, he was a member of ‘Sylhet Agricultural University Debating Society. Furthermore, he worked as data collector and enumerator on several projects. Mr. Alam started academic career after joining as a Lecturer in the Department of Agricultural Economics and Policy in 24 April 2016. Since then he engaged in several research project with an aim is to be an expert in field of Environmental Economics, Food Security and Poverty Studies and Livelihood. In 2018 he promoted as an Assistant Professor.