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Department of Agricultural Marketing and Business Management


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Faculty Agricultural Economics and Business Studies Agricultural Marketing and Business Management Faculty Members Md. Shaikh Farid

Md. Shaikh Farid

Assistant Professor

B.Sc. Ag. Econ. (Hons.) (SAU) M.S. in Agril. Econ. (Agribusiness & Marketing) (BAU) International Master of Science in Rural Development (IMRD), Gent University- Belgium, Slovakia and Italy

Research interests: Consumers Behavior, Value Chain analysis, Traceability analysis, Agricultural Economics, Efficiency analysis


Dept. of Agricultural Marketing and Business Management


Mr Md. Shaikh Farid was born on the 7th day of December 1991 in Shibpur, Narsingdi, Bangladesh. He is the youngest among five children of Abdur Rahman and Fazila Khatun. He finished higher education at Narsingdi Government College in 2009 after completing his secondary education at K.M. High School in 2007. In 2011, he was admitted to Sylhet Agricultural University and obtained his Bachelor of Science in Agricultural Economics in 2015. Then, he was admitted to Bangladesh Agricultural University, Mymensingh, for a Master of Science in Agricultural Economics (Agribusiness and Marketing) and obtained his degree in 2016. The same year, he was appointed as a Lecturer in the Agricultural Marketing and Business Management department at Sylhet Agricultural University. In 2018, he was promoted to Assistant Professor in the same department. In 2020, he was awarded the Erasmus Mundus fellowship for the International Master of Science in Rural Development (IMRD) at Gent University, Belgium and completed the programme in 2022.