Faculty of
Postgraduate Studies
Dr. Kazi Mehetazul Islam
Faculty of Postgraduate Studies
Sylhet Agricultural University
01 No. Eco Park Road, Tilaghor
Sylhet-3100, Bangladesh
Mobile : +88 01712852485
Email : dean-fpgs@sau.ac.bd
Welcome to the Faculty of PostGraduate Studies of Sylhet Agricultural University. Faculty of Post GraduateStudies was established on March, 2017 under the auspices/umbrella of the SylhetAgricultural University Act - 2006 to impart education, training and conductresearch in the veterinary, animal, biomedical sciences, agricultures,fisheries, agricultural economics, agricultural engineering’s, biotechnology,genetic engineering’s, social and communication science and also to cater theneeds of the farming and agro-business technologies communities with a motive“Attempt for Excellence in Post Graduate Education mainly MS and PhD”. Duringits inception, the Faculty of Post-Graduate Studies contained 44 departmentsand has been recognized as one of the leading faculty of the university touplift the socio-economical status of farmers and its linked communities. Thefaculty has been engaged in commendable task of improving the researchinfrastructure to develop cutting edge technologies for improved productivity,management, treatment and finally income of the livelihood of animals,agricultures, fishery resources, disease problems, nutrients, water resourcesand environment, biotechnology and gene engineering. Significant achievementhas been made to improve the research activities with the funds made availablefrom Governments and Non-Government organizations. The students of the Faculty have been awardedthe Dean and Chancellor’s award for outstanding performance after complete postgraduate degree in each department. Besides, promotion of department-basedresearch works together with intra and interdepartmental and internationalcollaborations have also been pioneered. Currently, departments belonging tothis faculty have been conducting research on various fields of national andinternational interest, which have already earned recognition and fame bothnational and international levels through publications in the peer reviewed Journals.Besides academic and research interests the faculty has successfullyintroduced modern curricula in all the departments. I do strongly believe that the students of this faculty willsuccessfully undergo in any national and international research orientedactivities. I amcommitted to leading our efforts in all aspects of agricultural research andeducation.
I cordially welcome you all aroundthe globe to get admission in the different departments under the Faculty ofPost Graduate Studies. I am also inviting the faculties of differentuniversities and institutions for collaborative research with the faculties ofSylhet Agricultural University.
Prof. Dr. Kazi Mehetazul Islam, PhD
Faculty of Post Graduate Studies
Sylhet Agricultural University
Our Strength
Degrees and Courses
Postgraduate Programmes
Ph.D Programmes
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