Department of Surgery and Theriogenology
Faculty Veterinary, Animal and Biomedical Sciences Surgery and Theriogenology Faculty Members Dr. Animesh Chandra Roy
Dr. Animesh Chandra Roy
DVM, MS in Surgery (SAU), PhD (Nanjing Agricultural University, China)
Dept. of Surgery and Theriogenology
Dr. Animesh Chandra Roy was born in Bangladesh. He is the only son of the Sushama Rani Roy and Amulya Ratan Roy. He completed primary and secondary education form Rayenda Govt. Primary School and Rayenda Pilot Secondary School, Sharankhola, Bagerhat, respectively from 1989 to 1999. His Higher Secondary degree was acheived in 2001 from Shahid Smirit College, Shashikar, Madaripur. He completed Doctor of Veterinary Medicine (DVM) and Master of Science (MS) in Surgery in 2008 (held in 2009) and 2011 (held in 2012), respectively from Sylhet Agricultural University, Sylhet, Bangladesh. He obtained his PhD degree in Clinical Veterinary Medicine from the college of Veterinary Medicine of Nanjing Agricultural University, Nanjing, P.R. China. He joined in the Department of Medicine and Surgery, SAU as a Lecturer for surgery courses in 2010 and was promoted as an Assistant Professor from 24th August, 2012 and served till 16th June, 2019 in Department of Surgery and Theriogenology. He is serving as an Associate Professor from 17th June, 2019 till present in the Department of Surgery and Theriogenology splitted from the Department of Medicine and Surgery.